Category Archives: Saline Valley 2012
Globular Mounds
This is looking back up Lippincott pass. We’d been heading down this trail for an hour two from Racetrack. Lots of narrow switchbacks and a couple of washouts, tricky to cross, requiring high clearance, four wheel drive, and low gear with a trigger finger gas pedal. A wrong move and one could experience a deadly drop off the side of the mountain.
Personally, I love the intricate swirls and globular mounds of metamorphic rock surrounding you for as far as the eye can see. Layers and layers folding and grinding through millennia.
Spiny Desert Creature
What is Chas holding in his hand? It’s vicious. It has no visible roots. Looks like a cluster of seeds with very long spines. It was tangled high up in a dead desert sage. Clearly on the move to someplace else to live or start a new instance or two.
Chas in Anticipation
Chas in anticipation of climbing the dunes.